Potty Training…ALREADY?

Xander has started to show interest in the potty and signs of readiness for potty training. I can’t believe how grown up he is already! With two separate households, I have to say, I’m a little nervous. He has the same potty in both homes, but obviously, mom sits to pee and dad doesn’t. Not to mention, the environment is different and the way we both choose to teach him is also is different.

From what I’ve read and chatted about with other moms, boys learn to sit to pee before they stand. Moms…has this been true with you and your boys?

Other signs of readiness: Xander sits on his potty and says “poop” or “peepee”. He doesn’t push or anything, he just kind of sits there for a moment, thinks about it…gets up and then flushes the big toilet. At that time, I tell him good job! And then he leaves the bathroom and is back to play.

Just the other day he said, “poo poo” pointed to his crotch and then pooped his diaper. So he knows what these words mean and knows when he has to go.

I’m kind of in the mind frame of…this kid is only 19 months, let’s take our time. But I’m curious to hear when you started, moms…what were the signs and how’d you proceed?